Pilgrims, Mendicants and Beggars
Mendicancy. What exactly is meant by that? Dictionary definitions tend to divide the concept into two broadly different manifestations, being those with an explicit religious purpose which essentially denies a gainful life in the world in favour of a…
Off Grid Living
Off Grid Living. What exactly is that? On my Facebook platform, it is one of the suggested pages I follow, along with Tiny Homes and several others which are specifically dedicated to Indian heritage or travel destinations. I leave…
A Tale of Two Bridges. Making the Transition
Bridges are so symbolic, all about connecting two sides of a divide, and the process of transition from one to the other. When I started this website I was still back in winter Britain, living in a small market town…
Come Buy, Come Buy
“Morning and evening maids heard the goblins’ cry, ‘come buy our orchard fruits, come buy, come buy!'” (1) The famous poem ‘Goblin Market’ by Christina Rossetti was first published in 1862. I remember it well as a child, from a…
The Stories We Tell
In the stories of our lives that we are constantly recounting, revising, reimagining, there tend to be some themes or tropes that recur, and of these, the stories that we tell about why we are doing something, is one of…
Was it all a Dream?
After writing ‘Return to the Source’, last in the series of posts for the website In the Spirit(1), a long empty impasse opened into my life, which I struggled to make sense of. After a fleeting return of a sense…
Return to the Source
We all need to return to the source sometimes. It’s where you can reconnect with those deeper aspects of yourself that life and navigating it can disconnect you from. What better way of doing this than a real source of…
O Friend
O friend! hope for Him whilst you live O friend! hope for Him whilst you live, know whilst you live, understand whilst you live: for in life deliverance abides. If your bonds be not broken whilst living, what hope of…
Concepts of God
THE VIEW All that exists, throughout all time and beyond, is one infinite divine Consciousness, free and blissful, which projects within the field of its awareness a vast multiplicity of apparently differentiated subjects and objects: each object an actualization…
The Price of Enlightenment
I once called myself a version of ‘Roadrunner’ given so much of my life has been spent travelling in one way or another, usually in pursuit some academic goal or another, and I have fairly accumulated archaeological and anthropological projects,…