Pilgrimage 2
The dynamics spiritual journeying in India from 2024
Changing Times
From north to south, from the mountains to the sea. From the heartlands of Hinduism to the daily calls to prayer. How does one frame life changes to oneself in a way that allows their safe navigation, without being overwhelmed…
Going Full Sadhu
What do I mean by ‘going full sadhu’? I have sometimes made the point that, especially during the height of the Pilgrimage years. I styled myself more upon the concept of a sadhu, the wandering spiritual seeker espousing the life…
The Song is Over
There’s an old 1970s song by the Who that has, at seminal points across my life, surfaced at times when a key life stage has finally reached an end. Certainly the overall theme of the song itself and words are…
Off Grid Living
Off Grid Living. What exactly is that? On my Facebook platform, it is one of the suggested pages I follow, along with Tiny Homes and several others which are specifically dedicated to Indian heritage or travel destinations. I leave…
A Tale of Two Bridges. Making the Transition
Bridges are so symbolic, all about connecting two sides of a divide, and the process of transition from one to the other. When I started this website I was still back in winter Britain, living in a small market town…