Poems and Prose
Features poems or text extracts with important spiritual and/or mystical significance
Come Buy, Come Buy
“Morning and evening maids heard the goblins’ cry, ‘come buy our orchard fruits, come buy, come buy!'” (1) The famous poem ‘Goblin Market’ by Christina Rossetti was first published in 1862. I remember it well as a child, from a…
O Friend
O friend! hope for Him whilst you live O friend! hope for Him whilst you live, know whilst you live, understand whilst you live: for in life deliverance abides. If your bonds be not broken whilst living, what hope of…
Concepts of God
THE VIEW All that exists, throughout all time and beyond, is one infinite divine Consciousness, free and blissful, which projects within the field of its awareness a vast multiplicity of apparently differentiated subjects and objects: each object an actualization…